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Ohl: Worrywart

I worry unduly which is the definition of a worrywart. I come by this malady naturally as my mother was the queen of worriers. When she would see or hear something upsetting, her head would slowly shake side to side and we would hear the tongue clicking sound “tsk, tsk.” If there should be a lack of things to be concerned about, that also worried her as a catastrophe was probably just around the corner!


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The Lake City Graphic

Ph: 651-345-3316 (M-Tu 8am-4pm, W-Th-F 8am-3pm)
Fax: 651-345-4200
P.O. Box 469
111 South 8th Street
Lake City, MN 55041

ISSN 2994-1059 (print)  ISSN 2994-1067 (online)