Notice of Application for Livestock Feedlot Permit - Klein

Notice is hereby given per Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 116, that Klein’s Cow Palace LLC and Dean and Lois Klein, has made application to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for a permit to construct or expand a feedlot with a capacity of 500 animal units or more. The existing feedlot is located in parcel 11.00194.00 located in Sec. 25, T. 111 N., R. 13 W., Town of Mount Pleasant, Wabasha County (69363 County Road 2, Lake City, MN). The existing facility permit is for 698 dairy cows and 105 calves totaling 998.2 animal units housed in total confinement and partial confinement buildings.  Manure is stored in an above ground steel tank, and concrete tanks.  The proposed total confinement barn additions would house existing livestock that are at the site and alleviate over-crowding in the existing barns at the site.  The barn additions being proposed were previously permitted in 2016 but the permit has expired before completion. The final capacity will be 998.2 animal units. This publication shall constitute as notice to each resident and each owner of real property within 5,000 feet of the perimeter of the proposed feedlot as required by Minnesota State Law.

Published in the Lake City Graphic
on April 11, 2024

The Lake City Graphic
Ph: 651-345-3316 (M-Tu 8am-4pm, W-Th-F 8am-3pm)
Fax: 651-345-4200
P.O. Box 469
111 South 8th Street
Lake City, MN 55041

ISSN 2994-1059 (print)  ISSN 2994-1067 (online)