Notice of Public Hearing - Robert Eggenberger CUP
Notice is hereby given that the City of Lake City Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 205 West Center Street, Lake City, Minnesota. The Commission will consider a request submitted by Robert Eggenberger, for a conditional use permit for property located at 418 North High Street, Lake City Minnesota 55041, and legally described as: LOT 10, BLOCK 20 OF THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF LAKE CITY, WABASHA COUNTY, LAKE CITY, MINNESOTA.
The applicant has submitted a request to use the structure as a two-family dwelling unit. Granting of the conditional use would allow two rental units on the lot, located in the TN Traditional Neighborhood Zoning District.
Persons desiring to address the Commission are encouraged to do so during the public hearing. Additional information concerning this request is available at City Hall.
/s/ Megan Smith
Director of Planning and
Community Development
Published in the Lake City Graphic the 25th day of April, 2024.