Wabasha County Board of Adjustment - July 11 Hearing

The Wabasha County Board of Adjustment will conduct public hearings starting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 for the purpose of hearing evidence regarding the following requests:
1. Continued public hearing on the after-the-fact variance application submitted by Scott Ohm requesting a variance from Chapter 11.02(6) and 11.02(7) of the Wabasha County Zoning Ordinance for grading of a driveway within a bluff zone and a bluff impact zone (BIZ) with slopes exceeding 30%. The subject property is described as parcel R07.00143.00 located in Section 16, Township 109 North, Range 13 West of Hyde Park Township.
2. Public hearing on the variance application submitted by Corey Johnston requesting a variance from: Chapter 11.02 (1) & (2) of the Wabasha County Zoning Ordinance to decrease the bluff setback to 10’; Chapter 6.06 (2) of the Wabasha County Zoning Ordinance to decrease the property line setback to 10’; and Wabasha County Setback Ordinance Article 1 Section 1.18 (2) and Article II Section 2.05 to decrease the right-of-way setback to 35’. The subject property is described as parcel R08.00053.06 located in Section 15, Township 111 North, Range 012 West of Lake Township (71863 Highway 61).
3. Public hearing on the variance application submitted by David & Mary Allison requesting a variance from Chapter 7.06 (2) of the Wabasha County Zoning Ordinance to decrease the property line setback of a dwelling in the R-1 District and from Chapter 13.07 (2) of the Wabasha County Zoning Ordinance to decrease the structure setback from the ordinary highwater level. The subject property is described as parcel R09.00420.00 located in Section 34, Township 109 North, Range 014 West of Mazeppa Township (56904 402nd Ave).
4. Public Hearing on the variance application submitted by Brian & Karrie Kelly requesting a variance from Chapter 13.10 (4) (d) of the Wabasha County Zoning Ordinance to exceed the impervious surface coverage of 25% for lots in the shoreland district. The subject property is described as parcel R05.00636.00 located in Section 02, Township 110 North, Range 010 West of Greenfield Township (67778 County Road 76).
5. Public Hearing on the variance application submitted by Hugh Kraemer requesting a variance from Chapter 13.07 (3) to decrease the structure setback from the Ordinary Highwater Level. The subject property is described as parcel R10.00196.00 located in Section 05, Township 109 North, Range 009 West in Minneiska Township (12556 622nd Street).
6. Public Hearing on the variance application submitted by Michael & Carrie Griebenow requesting a variance from Chapter 5.04 (1) & (2) of the Wabasha County Zoning Ordinance to exceed the allowable dwelling density of the A-2 District. The subject property is described as R11.00106.06 located in Section 12, Township 111 North, Range 013 West in Mt. Pleasant Township (72502 327th Ave).
7. Public Hearing on the after-the-fact variance submitted by Kirk Wickersham requesting to amend a 2017 variance application requesting a variance from MN Statutes 394.36 Subd. 4 for a garage addition to a non-conforming structure and the associated driveway expansion. The subject property is described as parcel R05.00633.00 located in Section 02, Township 110 North, Range 010 West in Greenfield Township (67820 County Road 76).
8. Public Hearing on the after-the-fact variance submitted by Kirk Wickersham requesting to amend a 2017 variance application requesting a variance from MN Statutes 394.36 Subd. 4 to include a porch addition to a non-conforming structure. The subject property is described as parcel R05.00633.00 located in Section 02, Township 110 North, Range 010 West in Greenfield Township (67820 County Road 76).
9. Public Hearing on the after-the-fact variance by Kirk Wickersham requesting a variance from Chapter 13.10 (2) (c) of the Wabasha County Zoning Ordinance for the removal of more than 10 cubic yards of soil from the shore impact zone. The subject property is described as parcel R05.00633.00 located in Section 02, Township 110 North, Range 010 West in Greenfield Township (67820 County Road 76).
The public hearings will take place in the County Board Room, Courthouse Annex, 625 Jefferson Avenue, Wabasha, Minnesota.  Any interested person may provide testimony whether in person or by way of written comment submitted to the Wabasha Zoning Department.  Written comments will be read into the record during the respective public hearing.
The applications are on file in the Wabasha County Zoning Department and may be reviewed between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to the Wabasha County Zoning Department.  You can contact the Zoning Department at 651-565-3062 or by email at jkaltenbach@co.wa basha.mn.us.  

Joe Kaltenbach,
Zoning Administrator

Published in the Lake City Graphic
on June 29, 2023

The Lake City Graphic

Ph: 651-345-3316 (M-Tu 8am-4pm, W-Th-F 8am-3pm)
Fax: 651-345-4200
P.O. Box 469
111 South 8th Street
Lake City, MN 55041

ISSN 2994-1059 (print)  ISSN 2994-1067 (online)