Dec 7, 2016
The Lake City High School girls basketball team remains undefeated.
Daynalyn Jostock had a double-double to lead the Tigers to a 57-41 win over Winona Cotter at home on Dec. 3.
Lake City led 39-14 at the half.
Jostock recorded 24 points and 22 rebounds. Julia Anderson scored 12. Laura Heitman had...
Dec 7, 2016
Anyone can sing is a common phrase, yet plenty of people insist that they “can’t sing.” Upon interviewing three singers who have performed in college choirs, all expressed the belief that anyone can sing, but that effort needs to be made if one desires to reach high levels of singing potential....
Dec 7, 2016
“What is that smell?” is a question most people never want to hear when they walk past someone. This can be avoided by maintaining good personal hygiene. When talking about hygiene, this means taking care of your whole body from head to toe. In a high school it is common to find students that...
Dec 7, 2016
Music surrounds us every day, whether we listen to it or create some of our own. At Lincoln High School students in concert band perform music on a regular basis, from well known classics to debuts.
Many of them have been doing so ever since fifth grade, when the first three notes they learned...
Dec 7, 2016
Whether you’re cold, need to find a gift for someone, or feeling crafty, a tie blanket is the perfect solution.
“The blanket I received was a very thoughtful gift because the person who gave it to me knows I’m always cold and also put love and care into making it,” stated Ryan Hanson.
Dec 7, 2016
The holidays are meant to be a time when family and friends from near and far gather together to celebrate. Alyssa Carlstrom shared that her “favorite part of the holiday season is spending time with family. With our busy schedules it seems as though the time we can all spend together is very...
Nov 30, 2016
The Lake City High School girls basketball team opened their season on the road Monday with a 52-35 win over La Crescent.
Lake City led 22-7 at the half.
Senior guard Julia Anderson led Tiger scorers with 16 points. Senior forward Daynalyn Jostock scored 11 points.
The Tigers are at home Saturday...
Nov 30, 2016
Baking is an activity, hobby, or career that many people enjoy, because it can help relieve some stress of the day, or just give you something sweet to eat. There are a range of different treats you can bake, like cookies, cakes, pies, and more. There is always something different and fun to try...
Nov 30, 2016
Water skiing is a hobby you either really enjoy or would rather not even try. What better place to water ski than Lake City, the birthplace of water skiing.
Some people just simply don’t know how to do it and have horrible stories of their first attempt that left them never wanting to try again...
Nov 30, 2016
Technology is advancing every day, and has advanced a lot in the last 20 years. Some people love it and others, not so much.
“I like it, but I don’t use it because I’m too old for it”, expressed Darrel Oelkers.
Oelkers is retired and a grandfather who lives in Zumbro Falls. He has owned a cell...