Public Notices

City of Lake City Planning Commission - Jewel Outlot K Re-zone

Aug 23, 2023
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING    Notice is hereby given that the Lake City Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 205 West Center Street, Lake City, MN, to re-zone the following property: a portion of OUTLOT K...

City of Lake City Board of Adjustment - Bock Hearing

Aug 23, 2023
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGNotice is hereby given that the City of Lake City Board of Adjustment will conduct a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 to consider a request submitted on behalf of Adam Bock, owner of 1300 Central Point Road, Lake City, MN, for property located in...

City of Lake City Board of Adjustment - Blattner Hearing

Aug 23, 2023
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGNotice is hereby given that the City of Lake City Board of Adjustment will conduct a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 to consider a request submitted by Brett Blattner, for 1030 South 10th Street, Lake City, Minnesota, legally described as: LOT 1,...

Certificate of Assumed Name - Moon River Crystal Wellness

Aug 16, 2023
OFFICE OF THEMINNESOTA SECRETARYOF STATECERTIFICATE OFASSUMED NAMEMINNESOTA STATUTESCHAPTER 333    The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name.  The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable consumers to be able to identify the true...

City of Lake City - Public Hearing - Certification of Unpaid Charges

Aug 16, 2023
NOTICE PUBLIC HEARINGNOTICE is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Lake City will hold a public hearing on Monday, September 11, 2023 at or after 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 205 West Center Street, Lake City, MN to consider a proposed resolution approving the certification of unpaid...

Wabasha County Planning - August 28 Hearing

Aug 16, 2023
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGBEFORE THEWABASHA COUNTYPLANNING COMMISSIONThe Wabasha County Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing starting at 7:00 p.m. on August 28th, 2023, for the purpose of hearing any testimony regarding the following requests:1) Continued public hearing for the...

Wabasha County Board of Commissioners - July 18 Meeting

Aug 16, 2023
WABASHA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSREGULAR SESSION HELDJuly 18, 2023    These published proceedings are incomplete in that they simply summarize the actions of the Wabasha County Board.  Complete copy of the proceedings is on file in the Office of the Wabasha County Auditor/Treasurer and may be...

ISD 813 - Request for Proposals - Group Health Insurance

Aug 16, 2023
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALSLAKE CITY ISD #813    Pursuant to MN Statue 471.6161, notice is hereby given that Lake City ISD #813 requests proposals for Group Health Insurance.    Specifications will be available from the District’s agent of record, National Insurance Services, at 14852 Scenic Heights Road...

Florence Township - August 21 Meeting

Aug 16, 2023
NOTICE: The Florence Township monthly meeting will be held Monday, August 21 at 6 p.m. at the Town Hall. Susan Eisenmenger, clerk.

ISD 813 - Lake City Schools - Pupil Records - Annual Notification of Rights

Aug 9, 2023
PUPIL RECORDSANNUAL NOTIFICATION OF RIGHTS    1. The parent or eligible student has a right to inspect and review the student’s education records and the procedure for inspecting and reviewing education records;    2. The parent or eligible student has a right to seek amendment of the student’s...


The Lake City Graphic
Ph: 651-345-3316 (M-Tu 8am-4pm, W-Th-F 8am-3pm)
Fax: 651-345-4200
P.O. Box 469
111 South 8th Street
Lake City, MN 55041

ISSN 2994-1059 (print)  ISSN 2994-1067 (online)